What is the normal body fat percentage for men and women
What is the normal body fat percentage for men and women? In general, a male body fat rate of 15% -18% is normal, while a female body fat rate of 20% -25% is normal.
However, the normal range of body fat rate varies among different populations. For example, the body fat rate of athletes is generally between 14% -20% for women and 6% -13% for men. The body fat rate of the fitness population is generally 21% -24% for women and 14% -17% for men.
In addition to the different normal range of body fat rate among different populations, another factor that affects body fat rate is age. Because as a person ages, their metabolic rate gradually decreases. After the age of 25, the basal metabolism rate of the human body has been gradually declining, and the fat accumulated on the body will be relatively more and more.
So, the larger the age, the higher the fat content, and the normal range of body fat varies among different age groups.The following is a comparison table of body fat rates between women and men of different ages. What is the range of your body fat?
Body Fat Ratio for Women of Different Ages
Body Fat Rates for Men of Different Ages